Design Cabinet CZ

01.10. 2014 - 28.02. 2014



1st International Edition - Design for Food and Nutrition

Established in 1954 and the result of an idea by Gio Ponti to highlight the value and quality of industrial design products, the ADI Compasso d'Oro award is the most significant and influential Italian design award.
The Compasso d'Oro Award is promoted and organized by ADI in partnership with the ADI Foundation.
ADI - the Association for Industrial Design represents the complete Italian design process and includes businesses, designers, distributors, schools and institutions.
The over three hundred award-winning products selected during the fifty-plus years of the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award are kept in the ADI Compasso d'Oro Historic Collection managed by the ADI Foundation, created by ADI in 2001.
In 2004 the ADI Compasso d'Oro Historic Collection ADI was declared to be "of exceptional artistic and historical interest" and included as part of the National Italian Heritage by the Ministry for Cultural Heritage.
Currently the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award is presented every three years by an International Jury on the basis of a preselected group chosen by the ADI Design Permanent Observatory. The Observatory is made up of experts, designers, critics, theorists and specialist journalists, all constantly involved in gathering information and evaluating the best products to be included in the ADI Design Index, the annual publication which since 1998 has brought together selected products representing Italian Design.

ADI Compasso d'Oro, 1st International Edition, Milan, 2015

In 2014 ADI announced the first edition of the International Compasso d'Oro thereby inaugurating a series of International editions dedicated from time to time to different themes.
The 2015 edition
To mark the Expo 2015, which will be held in Milan from the 1st of May to the 31st of October 2015, and bearing in mind new global scenarios where the right to safe, healthy and sufficient food for all is considered a central theme for the future of the planet, ADI is promoting the 1st International ADI Compasso d'Oro Award in line with the theme of the Expo, that is, Feed the Planet, and dedicating the award to "Design for Food and Nutrition".
The theme
The theme which candidates will be asked to consider is "Design for Food and Nutrition", or rather design as a tool for sustainable innovation and development (in an economic, social, environmental and cultural context), from food production and visual communication systems, to distribution and food consumption.
The Award's attention will be focused on the capacity of design to improve and innovate production processes and products, to create quality in the different phases of the food production chain (within production as in sales, usage and consumption of food), but also considering the information and education systems in the pre- and post-consumption phases.
The theme of the Award has been kept intentionally wide so as to invite as wide a participation as possible and to draw attention to the skills and capabilities that design has developed over the years, both in practice and reflections on this discipline, as well as in terms of approaches to other sectors.

Characteristics of the Award
The Award is open to companies and designers that have applied a design culture to production methods that is both advanced and culturally aware of the material and immaterial qualities of the products involved, and that is responsible towards the individual, society and the environment and which proposes new ethically sustainable forms of behaviour that are advantageous for the communities, populations and economies involved.
The best products, processes and services connected with food will be evaluated and considered for the award, along with the most innovative tools and techniques for production, transformation, preparation, display and sales of food products, the most effective methods of food distribution and consumption, including distribution sites, marketing support and communication tools.
The following are eligible to enter: products, whether physical or digital, created using either industrial or individual methods, provided that they may be adapted to industrial scale production even if produced as one-off pieces, together with services and research projects. Products should be seen as effectively being made available to the end user.

The ADI Compasso d'Oro 2015 is the first International Edition promoted and organized by ADI - the Association for Industrial Design in partnership with the ADI Foundation.
The Award is aimed at the international production of:
- products and product systems
- communicative devices
- services
- social design products
- publishing products which promote and publish theoretical or historical-critical studies
- research for businesses and communities.

The products, processes, research and services entered must be already in production or have been engineered and self-produced, using replicable methods and processes by businesses or other organizations, and therefore available to end users during the period between the 1st of January 2010 and the 1st of January 2015.

The theme

The ADI Compasso d'Oro International Award 2015 rewards excellence in design that brings research and design activities together with the food industry, production and culture in order to innovate new local and global food systems, thus contributing to nutritional quality.
The theme of "Design for Food and Nutrition" to which this first international edition is dedicated, is thus to be interpreted as:
- a strategic tool for the evolution of food systems, for sustainable development in an economic, social, environmental and cultural sense of the whole food production chain: from production to distribution, from information to education and finally to consumption and recycling processes,
- a mediation tool for creating interaction between hitherto separate production and service sectors, such as for example, food design with regional marketing and tourism, or nutritional sciences with those dealing with sensory perceptions.
Admission requirements and categories
Nomination for the Award is open to products already in existence, which deal with the Design for Food and Nutrition theme in the following sectors, each of which refers to a specific category to be the subject of an award or mention by the International Compasso d'Oro:
Design for Agriculture, Fishing and Breeding
Design as applied to methods, techniques and tools for the cultivation of food products, fishing and the raising.

Design for Quality Food Process
Design for the enhancement of organoleptic, nutritional, flavour and health qualities in food production: from food processing to food preparation and transformation tools and techniques and the design of food products.
Design for Food Packaging
Packaging design (both primary and secondary), packaging methods, transport, food presentation, portioning, convenience food, and visual communication.

Design for Food Distribution
Design for food distribution systems and post-consumption activities: from the design of services for food and catering, to intermediation between the producer and the consumer, from short food chains and ethics to design for the recycling of food and other waste products.

Visual Communication for Food and Nutrition
Design for communicating food and food products: brand design, visual communication of food products (from advertising to labelling, from physical communication tools to virtual tools) for small and large scale distribution, design for food education and raising awareness about nutritional issues.

Design Food Preparation and Instruments
Design for food preparation: from techniques and tools for food preparation on an industrial scale to those for domestic and hand-prepared foods.

Design for Food Consumption and Eating
Design for individual and/or group food consumption: from solutions for sales environments to those used for consumption (internal and external catering) to street food, including edible products and objects used for consumption of the same, visual communication and everything related to the unmistakeable definition of a nutritional format.

Design for Food and Local Heritage
Design for the development of food production, food producing communities and regions: from projects for the reintroduction, development and spreading of typical products, to design for the innovation of practices, diets and new features for cultural tourism.


The Compasso d'Oro International Award intends to involve designers, entrepreneurs, distributors, schools and universities, critics and experts from transversal sectors and operating in different countries in order to offer a sufficiently wide selection of products, processes, services and designs able to express the contribution of Design to the theme of "Design for Food and Nutrition" as the subject of the Expo.
The Jury of the Compasso d'Oro International 2015 Award will select up to a maximum of:
- 300 nominations for the Award, to be selected from all categories
- 60 nominations for the Targa Giovani youth section
The ADI Compasso d'Oro International comprises three different types of award:
- Compasso d'Oro for award winning products
- Honourable mention for selected products
The ADI Compasso d'Oro International 2015 Jury will award 40 Honourable Mentions, 5 for each category.
Within these, 8 Compasso d'Oro awards will be presented, 1 for each category.
The Jury reserves the right not to present the award for every category should the nominations not meet the required standard.
The selected award-winning items will be presented and displayed during the Milan EXPO 2015 in a wide-ranging communicative multi-media event organized by ADI.

International Targa Giovani 2015

In order to support young designers, promote their efforts and recognize their talent, ADI has created the International Targa Giovani.
For this first edition of the ADI Compasso d'Oro International, the Targa Giovani carries a financial prize of €30,000 which will be awarded to the best design created by students from University-level schools which either individually or in groups, has developed designs for products, services, independent productions or research on Design for Food and Nutrition, the theme for this year's edition.
In this way the award will provide positive assistance for the start-up of the successful design.

Judging criteria

Products, processes, services, research and designs nominated for the award will be examined according to judging criteria relating to:

- enhancement of organoleptic, nutritional, flavour and health qualities found in food;
- use of materials, technologies and processes for innovative solutions in terms of food quality;
- social usefulness and effectiveness, defined as the ability to respond to the contemporary needs of society;
- cultural significance, meaning the ability to respond to changing cultures in different territorial contexts.

Communicative quality
- usability as a feature of the product/service in terms of being clear and easy to use;
- effectiveness of communicating correct information with regard to the different end user cultures;
- evocative and emotional capacity.

- cost in relation to benefits and performance;
- wholesomeness of food, non-toxicity for humans and the environment;
- optimization and energy efficiency of the process of production and distribution;
- optimization of the product in terms of recycling, reuse and recovery;
- accessibility and inclusiveness;
- attention to food rituals, conviviality and the social aspects of the experience.

The Jury

The Jury for the Award is international. It comprises from 7 to 9 members, selected and appointed by the ADI Executive Committee from qualified national and international personalities in order to represent the complementary skills related to the thematic areas identified by the competition as well as design itself. The President of the Jury is elected by the same jury at the first meeting. Each member of the jury has the right to one vote. In case of a tie vote, the vote of the President of the Jury has double value.
The jury will irrevocably assign Awards and Honourable Mentions to designs that have received favourable votes from a majority of the jurors.
The jury may consult experts - without the right to vote - designated by ADI about specific technological, environmental, regulatory, economic aspects; in terms of legal issues, the jury may request the intervention of an expert appointed by the President of the Design Jury.
ADI reserves the right to establish a preselection commission.

Duties of the Jury

The Jury shall:
- assess the awards according to the judging criteria set out in this announcement;
- draw up, only for the award winning produ - prepare a general report on the selection as a whole;
The Jury's decision is final.
The Jury and every person aware of the awards and mentions assigned, undertakes to maintain absolute secrecy until the public ceremony for the presentation of the ADI Compasso d'Oro International Awards.

Award participation

Application is to be made by sending an entry form in digital format as published on the ADI website (, to the Compasso d'Oro International Secretariat which has been prepared for the presentation of the product by the company, or in the case of the Targa Giovani by the nominated organization or by the designer who created the product, process, service or design. Participation in the competition for sending the nomination will be open from October 1st, 2014 to February 28th, 2015.

Use of documentary material

Disclaimer All materials submitted with the application may be published. ADI has the right to use these materials in whole or in part, in connection with the selection process, and to reproduce them in whole or in part in the Compasso d'Oro ADI International publications and in Award catalogues, on the ADI websites, in communications to the media relating to events connected with the publication of the volumes and with the ADI Compasso d'Oro Award exhibitions.
Those who submit applications hereby agree that all materials (text and images) may be freely modified according to the communication needs of the various instruments used, and that ADI is free from any liability for any infringement of third party rights.
Data accuracy The data compiled by persons submitting the nomination via the online form are to be considered valid and to be used for all purposes in the form in which they were included, according to the communication requirements determined by ADI in all publications related to the selected objects. The compilers of the entry forms assume all responsibility for the accuracy of the data transmitted.


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