Design Cabinet CZ

16.02. 2015 - 16.02. 2015

Anticeny Plagiarus uděleny!


The negative award Plagiarius was awarded for the 39th time.

The German Campaign "Aktion Plagiarius" annually grants this anti-prize at the "Ambiente", the world's largest consumer goods trade fair (Frankfurt / Germany), during an international press conference. The award was given to those manufacturers and distributors whom the jury has found guilty of making or selling "the most flagrant" imitations. Again, the prize winners show the wide range of industries affected by counterfeits and reveal that product- and brand piracy is a global problem.

The goal of Aktion Plagiarius is to denounce the counterfeiters' unscrupulous business practices who pilfer intellectual property and pass it off as their own creative achievement; and to raise public awareness of this complex problem that exists among industry, politicians and consumers.
During the award ceremony, Aktion Plagiarius e.V. made it clear that "the award 'Plagiarius' does not say anything about whether a plagiarism is legal or illegitimate. Aktion Plagiarius cannot pass judgement. However, the registered society can call attention to the injustice that enterprises affected have to face and utter the opinion, that clumsy 1:1 imitations are unimaginative and morally objectionable and lead to stagnation".

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