Design Cabinet CZ

03.06. 2010 - 13.06. 2010

Designeast Offline


Warszawa Design Week

Warszawa Design Week asked to select designers from CEE area to be exhibited in there. The date is I know crazy to collect anything but don't worry we don't need real products. We need only hi-res images of your (latest) work. It will be printed on big format and hanged around Warsaw buildings. Sounds good?

Exact info what we need:
areas of interest: glass&porcelain, home&furniture, jewelery&fashion
one or two product pictures (could be two different products)
one picture should contain one product (please no collages)
we want photos of real products (no visualizations please)
size 50x50cm and at least 150DPI (bigger DPI is better)
short info about designer or studio (we don't want to fill the space with text, let the picture speak for you)
product name and short description
web address

Organiser: Warszawa Design Week with blog.

Please send your data until 26.5.2010 12:00 CET to with subject "Designeast Offline"

Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu