Design Cabinet CZ

31.01. 2013 - 31.01. 2013

Designer of the Year Awards


The Architecture, Interior, Fashion, Graphic and Product Designers of the Year will compete for the Designer of the Year title, awarded to one visionary in either architecture or the design of interiors, products, graphics or fashion who demonstrates extraordinary vision and creativity in his/her approach to designing the man-made world. He/she will also receive a gold plated IDA trophy. The winner will be announced at the IDA award ceremony.

Emergin Designer of the Year, Student
Student winners in each competition compete for this title, awarded to one student in either architecture or the design of interiors, products, graphics or fashion who demonstrates extraordinary vision and creativity in his/her approach.

Architectal Design, Interior Design, Fashion Design, Product Design and Graphic Design

Project Date
Work submitted must be finished within the last 5 years.



Připojené soubory

Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu