Design Cabinet CZ

31.05. 2012 - 31.05. 2012

Double Track - Tenth International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea


Designers from 23 Central Eastern European countries are called to submit a new project for a functional object using as its source an object demonstrating design skill singled out from the recent collective memory of objects of their country .The contest is promoted under the patronage of the C.E.I. (Central European Initiative).

The competition deadline is midnight (Italian time) of the 31st May 2012.

The entry is free.

You can read more about the provided prizes and check the competition notice on, where you also will find the online registration form.

For further information please contact:
Trieste Contemporanea Committee,
telephone +39 040 639187.

Připojené obrázky

Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu