Design Cabinet CZ

14.03. 2012 - 30.03. 2012

Fundación Universidad-Empresa and Electronic Arts call for participants in the first EA Campus

Workshopy a semináře

EA Campus will train 40 participants over 18 years of age as future Localization Testers ecruited candidates will be delivered coaching on professional skills and in company training in EA business and products, as well as an economic aid.

Fundación Universidad-Empresa and Electronic Arts call for participants in the first EA Campus

Madrid, March 1st 2012.- La Fundación Universidad-Empresa is calling for applications for the first EA Campus, to be held in Madrid from April 16 to June 8 2012. 40 participants will be trained as future Localization Testers.

A Localization Tester is responsible for quality assurance in any text (oral or writeen) displayed in a videogame. An LT is responsible for proofreading, and revision of third party name conventions, video-audio synchronization, dubbing, spelling and grammar, and correct contextualization.

This initiative is promoted by Electronic Arts, the leading multinational company in entertainment software, Fundación Universidad-Empresa and Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. EA CAMPUS is targeted at young people over 18 years of age, High-School education, interested in new technologies and the videogame industry, and fluent in English. In order to enter EA CAMPUS candidates must be mother tongue in any of the following: Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Mexican, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish.

Other relevant aspects considered in the recruitment process are: linguistic skills and knowledge; previous experience in international environments (education, internships, jobs...); analytic skills and troubleshooting; communication skills; attention to detail; independent user of common software/hardware; teamwork.

Recruited candidates will be granted an aid of € 300 gross per month. The will follow an in-company training programme focused in EA products and business, completed by specific training on professional skills.

By the end of the programme, which will be fully delivered in English, participants will receive a certificate continued training awarded by Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. Candidates with the best performance will be hired by Electronic Arts by means of a labor contract.

EA Campus 2012 will be developed at the EA Spain office from April 16 to June 8 2012, during the morning shift (10.00 - 14.00 hours) or evening shift (15.00 - 19.00 hours).

Those interested in one of the places may obtain more information at the telephone number 91 548 98 71, and register in before March 30.



More information:

Erea Palacios, Senior PR Manager, Electronic Arts Software
( / 91 492 60 31)

Marisol Pastor, Directora del Gabinete Técnico, Fundación Universidad-Empresa ( / 91 548 98 71)

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