Design Cabinet CZ

31.03. 2010 - 30.07. 2010

Gletscher price


Dear all,

I would like to tell you about interesting competition the Gletscherprise for snuff bottels in Zwiesel, Germany.

I entered to this action two years ago and from my experience it was nice to do. This is the great event for glass collectors and the museum has big collection of old and contemporary snuff bottels.

Every one can enter.

You will find scanned application in the supplement. The thing is, that I am not sure, if you can use the copy like entering form. But I do not see any problem with that. I will write email to Museum in Novy Bor, the Czech Republic and ask for extra forms or ask them, if we can use the copy.

The most important is to design your own Snuff bottel for snuff tabaco self-made. There is no limitation and you can use all the kinds of glass technics and your artistic feeling!

- Maximum are three snuff bottles.
- The deadline is the 30th of June 2010 in Glass museum Novy Bor, the Czech Republic.
- Every one, who will be appreciate, will get 250 euro and also can be ask by same of the coletors for sale.
It can also happen, even if your bottel will not be appreciate.
- On Friday 10.12.2010 will be transfer of prizes in Lesni muzeum Zwiesel, Germany. And opening of the exhibition since the 11th of December
till 8th of May 2011 in Lesni muzeum Zwiesel.

Officials welcome all people from the world.
Last time were appreciated 12 bottles and one extra in Frauenau, Germany.

I am also thinking about the deadline, becose I am not sure, if I will be in Novy Bor till that time. But send the bottels by post to Novy Bor should be possible.

I hope, that I wrote all important about that and if you will have interest or if you will need help with entry form, write me.

I will also ask for english version. But this the most important information and you can think about it. There is still enough time for realization and sending bottels.

You can also spread these informations to your friends and glass schools.

Good Luck!

Jan Kliment
00420 777 932 170 00420 777 932 170
00316 154 259 23 00316 154 259 23

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