Design Cabinet CZ

15.07. 2018 - 15.07. 2018

Harbor for Cultures


13th International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea

Designers from 24 Central Eastern European countries are called to submit a project of an original item of contemporary design. 

The competition deadline is the 15th of July 2018. 

The 2018 theme contributes to our ongoing two-year project H/C Harbour for Cultures, that draws inspiration from the real case history of how to convert and reuse the area of the Porto Vecchio (old port) of Trieste, which has remained unused and in a state of decay for decades. 

The entry is free. 

Major prize: Gillo Dorfles Award, €4000. 


More information:

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Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu