Design Cabinet CZ

30.03. 2015 - 30.04. 2015

Hosthinking a design award


Host-Fiera Milano and, Consortium of the Polytechnic of Milan, announce an international competition aimed at the selection and the awarding of prizes to the most innovative proposals capable of introducing new formats of hospitality based on the evolution of the concept, of the most widespread trends and practices in this professional environment.

The competition requires the presentation of innovative visions for a setting in the professional hospitality field HO.RE.CA (Hotel, Restaurant, Catering) and Retail. For one of these sectors, the design concept should propose a service that involves a fresh experience and increased consumer involvement, as well as new ways of using, based on the evolution of consumption trends and presenting a complete and futuristic scenario in terms of services, products, graphics, spaces, fittings etc. ...
The concepts should be able to combine service/experience, products offered and the space/container in order to put forward a complete and coherent project.
Possible directions of the project are:
- a project starting from the service/experience offered - proposing a new way of consuming and experiencing the product or service, in the framework of offering consumers an original, better, more immersive experience.
- a project starting from the product offered - the recuperation of culinary products from the past, traditional, regional specialities, to offer them in a hybrid space of experience and consumption.
- a project starting from the space container - proposing the fitting out of the space, furnishings, and graphics that are consistent with the experience that you are seeking to convey and with the product / service offered.
Total prize money: 7,000 €

HOST- Fiera Milano and together once again to reward the best in the field of new formats of hospitality.

Closing date for entries: March 30, 2015
Project delivery deadline: April 30, 2015

The total prize money of 7,000 euros, will be distributed as follows:

1st prize 4.000 €
2nd prize 2.000 €
3rd prize 1000 €

The design concept should propose a service that involves a new experience and an increased involvement of consumers, as well as new ways of using, based on the trend of the evolution of consumption and presenting a complete scenario and futuristic in terms of services, products, artwork, space, equipment etc. The concepts must be able to conjugate service and experience, products offered and space/container in such a way as to offer a complete and coherent project.

Then it's up to a jury of experts made up of representatives from academics, industry professionals and experts in the field of hospitality, who will identify a shortlist of a maximum of 15 proposals that will be broken down by quality and relevance to the initiative. Each designer selected at this point will produce a scale model of their projects and presentation boards that will be on display in a dedicated area within HOST 2015, The International Exhibition of the Hospitality Industry, the world's leading Ho.Re.Ca and Retail trade show, at Fiera Milano, Rho, from Friday 23 to Tuesday, October 27, 2015.

Within HOST 2015 the 3 finalists and the winning proposal will be announced.

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  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu