Design Cabinet CZ

09.04. 2013 - 14.04. 2013

I Saloni 2013: innovation is the watchword

Festivaly a veletrhy

From 9th to 14th April, Milan will be playing host to the Saloni 2013, as they unveil their panoply of previously unseen home furnishing, lighting and office solutions, along with the biennial Euroluce, International Lighting Exhibition and SaloneUfficio, International Workspace Exhibition. These will be accompanied, as always, by other events linked to the worlds of design, art and culture in the Fairgrounds and in the city, conceived with both the huge number of visitors to the Saloni and the Milanese themselves in mind.

"Milan: interiors of tomorrow" is the banner heading this 52nd edition of the Salone Internazionaledel Mobile, with the International Furnishing Accessories Exhibition, the biennial Euroluce and Salone Ufficio and SaloneSatellite. Milan, and Milan alone dictates the trends! Milan is a Windows on the world of design and, more than any other city, a window on creativity, quality and change.
The key sectoral players will include over 2,500 exhibitors showcasing their 2013 ranges inside the Rho Milan Fairgrounds pavilions. Several historical brands are back to the Salone Internazionale del Mobile and SaloneUfficio testifying to the Fair's role as an industry-wide benchmark for originality, chase and visibility. Euroluce, strategically located in 4 pavilions (9-11 and 13-15) between the Porta Ovest and Porta Sud (West and South Gates), will comprise 38,000 m2 of exhibition space. SaloneUfficio, sited directly opposite, in 2 adjoining pavilions (22-24), will take up 12,500 m2 of exhibition space, devoted to office furniture and accessories.
The 16th edition of the platform for designers under 35, SaloneSatellite, in pavilions 22-24, is geared to the theme: "Craftsmanship & Design: Together for Industry". As always, the event provides visibility and networking opportunities for emerging young designers.

This year too, there will be a competition for the three best prototypes conceived and showcased with particular relevance to this edition's biennial exhibitions, Euroluce and SaloneUfficio. Specially conceived for the Saloni 2013 is Pritzker Prize 2008 winner, French architect Jean Nouvel's "Project: office for living."
The exhibit will be set out over a 1,200 m2 space inside the SaloneUfficio pavilions, illustrating several different scenarios that give full rein to the main strands of his vision of the workspace: mobility, conviviality, pleasure, fun, with offices opening onto both the inside and the outside of the building, a rejection of the cloned spaces, enclosed spaces and the serial repetitiveness that so often characterises offices and their totalitarian nature.

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