Design Cabinet CZ

31.01. 2012 - 29.02. 2012

International Design Awards 2011


Designer of the Year

International Design Awards 2011

We'll show your submission to our distinguished jury. If they like what they see, they will name you "Designer of the Year". Your work will be published in the latest edition of our annual IDA book (which has won some serious awards of its own). We will also announce your major achievement to our 100,000+ network of designers, as well as to the who's who of media contacts representing the most respected industry publications in the world. Our award certificate will look quite International Design Awards 2011
handsome on your wall. But, let's be honest. What you're really in this for an opportunity to get your hands on ... ME! ... a sleek, sexy eye-catching stainless steel trophy worth a whole lot of money. Tangible proof to all that you are, indeed, the very best.

Do you have what it takes to make me yours?
Time is running out and pretty things don't like to be kept waiting.

Send in your entries to IDA 550 North Larchmont, Los Angeles, CA 90004 310.659.0122;

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  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu