Design Cabinet CZ

13.02. 2010 - 15.03. 2010

International Eyewear Design Competition 2010


As a further part of its investigation into the role of the designer in our product-rich society, 5.5 Designers challenges you to design a pair of frames whilst making an in-depth examination of the entire product life cycle.

Think outside the box and don't just concentrate on the stylistic approach. Tell the frame's story: anticipate the high points of its existence, from its gestation (when it is designed), birth (the manufacturing process), childhood (how it is marketed), the highlights of its life (its usage) until its death, and after....

Initial selection by the panel of judges on March 25th 2010 Final meeting of the panel of judges and awards ceremony: September 24th 2010 at Silmo in Paris (International Fair for the Eyewear Industry).

Jury Chaired by 5.5 Designers, France

Vincent Baranger, Jean-Sébastien Blanc, Anthony Lebossé and Claire Renard founded the firm 5.5 Designers in 2003. The "Reanim" project, which yielded the medicine for objects concept, heralded their rise in the world of design. They have worked for major companies and institutions such as Baccarat, Bernardaud, LaCie or the Pompidou Centre.
Members of the international jury:

* Pierre Bailly Basin, Optician, France
* Frédéric Beuvry, Corporate manager Groupe SEB, France
* Dr. Silke Claus, Director, Bayern design GmbH, Germany
* Emmanuel Gallina, Designer, Italie
* Olivier Gojo, Optician, France
* Sofia Jacobsson Warfaa, Industrial Designer, Ergonomidesign, Sweden
* François Lenfant, Global Design Manager, EMEA GE Healthcare, France
* Sylvain Marcoux, Sales & PR Manager Camper, Spain
* Marion Vignal, Journalist, L'Express Styles, France


Registration and submission of projects by March 15th 2010
Initial selection by the panel of judges on March 25th 2010

Submission by the selected candidates:

* All the detailed technical specifications by May 10th 2010
* The support(s) selected by the candidate to promote its project by September 3rd 2010

Completion of prototypes, if necessary, in a partner company between May 10th and September 3rd 2010.

Final meeting of the panel of judges and awards ceremony: September 24th 2010, Paris

* 1st price: 4 000 euros
* 2nd price: 2 300 euros
* 3rd price: 1 500 euros
* Special price: 500 euros
Further info


Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu