Design Cabinet CZ

15.05. 2014 - 15.05. 2014

MAP PIN- Eleventh International Design Contest Trieste Contemporanea


Designers from 24 Central Eastern European countries are called to submit a new project for a kit consisting of an item of contemporary design, taking the form of an unique souvenir of a place in one of the countries within the purview of the competition, and an accompanying information flyer.

The contest is promoted by the Trieste Contemporanea Committee under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Central European Initiative (CEI).

Design selected and awards

The works selected by the panel of judges will be shown in the competition's final exhibition in Trieste and published in an online catalogue on the Trieste Contemporanea website.

Gillo Lodorfles prize / First prize Trieste contemporanea 2014 - for the best design 2014: 4000 Euros
BEBA prize - for the youngest designer among those selected: 1 000 Euros
Trieste prize - for the best design on the set theme: 1000 Euros
CEI prize 2014- for the best design from one of the non-EU CEI countries: 3000 Euros

The entry is free.
The competition deadline is 15th June 2014.

You can read more about the provided prizes and check the competition notice on

For further information please contact:
Trieste Contemporanea Committee
telephone +39 040 639187

Připojené obrázky

Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu