Design Cabinet CZ

15.02. 2010 - 15.12. 2010


Workshopy a semináře

The Local Council of Milan are promoting the Project MIND - Milan Network for Design. The project is a network that includes the local Council of Milan, Triennale Design Museum, ADI and eleven important design schools in the city. Politecnico organizes the master course "New Tech Style Design" starting from April 2010. The Municipality of Milan awards 200 scholarships, which cover the tuition fee and also room and board for the best students in each school. 380 lessons and workshops + 300 individual study + 320 internship. April to December 2010, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. / 3 days per week. Deadline for the documents delivery February 15rd, 2010.

Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu