Design Cabinet CZ

30.09. 2013 - 30.09. 2013

Open Design Italia 2013


The event is focused on the development of concrete collaborations among designers, enterprises and local craftsmen, aiming to provide them with the possibility to show and to sell theirs works without mediations.

The participation in the competition is free of charge and it can be on an individual or group basis.
The rules for applying are available online at

The selection to participate to the 4th edition of Open Design Italia 2013 has now started:
the attendance in the competition is free and it can be on an individual or based on a group basis.

It's possible to sign up to the contest, until the 30th September, at 6 pm by filling up the registration form on

The projects will be selected on the basis of:
- their originality, innovation and technical functionality
- their aesthetic quality
- their market ability

Special attention will be given to those projects that emphasize a bond with the designer's territory, synergies with the local productive worlds and the sustainability of the production chain.

Those are three awards which could be win:

- Open Design Italia Award | winners will have full access to the contact and to the Open Design Italia promotional local and international network

- Ottagono Award |the winning project will be published on the print edition and on the online version of the magazine

- Prezi Award | the winning designer will have the opportunity of having one of Prezi graphic artists help him or her creating a personalized Prezi for promoting his design pieces and his activity. This award represents an international novelty

The event was born to explore the national end international landscape of self-making, from the effort to promote a design mode in which the creative activity would be directly linked to the productive one.

Open Design Italia has been conceived by the Italian architects Elena Santi e Laura Succini, who are currently curating the event,
with the scientific direction of the journalist Valentina Croci

Here attached you would find press release and a communication image and I am at your disposal for any further quires.



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Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu