Design Cabinet CZ

27.05. 2016 - 10.06. 2016

Open Design Italia 2016: The on Stage Step


Open Design Italia is an independent incubator for creativity, aimed at promoting connections among designers, advisors, and companies, and enabling new ways of cooperation, the sustainability of the production chain, and new bridges between creativity and business.

These years of intense work have been fruitful: some designers started to work together with companies, and some companies widened their own business area by adding the designers’ works to their existing products.

The sixth edition of Open Design Italia, curetted since the beginning by Open Design Italia team, this year is organised in cooperation with CNA Vicenza who celebrates 50 years of service. CNA Vicenza has been a partner of Open Design Italia for three years; they both share the goal of supporting young creatives and innovative ideas.

Admission to the fair in Vicenza will be free from 10 to 12 June. The public will be able to visit the exhibitors’ stands and attend conferences and workshops about small series design, contemporary craftsmanship, and future opportunities for young designers who self-produce their works.

The new selection format has been a success: 90 designers participated in the selection events in Milan, Rome, and Naples, where they met a committee of experts featuring among others Aldo Cibic, Catharina Lorenz (studio Lorenz+Kaz), Marc Sadler, and Denis Santachiara.

The 57 selected creatives are makers and self-producing fashion and small series product designers, coming from 13 Italian regions (mostly Campania, Lazio, Lombardia, and Veneto) and from Belgium, Germany, and Spain.  


Open Design Italia Special Award

For each of the three cities, one participant received the Open Design Italia Special Award, granting them free participation in the event at the Basilica Palladiana to promote their products. The awarded designers are:

Beatriz Hernández de Azcárate, food designer from Madrid: highly customisable, portable plastic wine cooler.

- Mecca Studio, engineers and product designer from Morro d’Oro (Teramo): bespoke wooden surfboards to be produced by CNC machines.

Giuseppe Sardone, product and fashion designer from Altamura (Bari): a backpack with an analogical and low-tech look, produced partly in Figueira (Portugal) and partly in the Murgia region (Puglia, Italy) with materials and techniques typical of an artisan workshop.


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  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu