Design Cabinet CZ

03.11. 2014 - 03.11. 2014

Plastic technologies award 2015


Innovative and original concepts for rapid consumption/temporary/single-use disposable products, that exploit the potential of specific manufacturing and transformation technologies for plastics: these are the essential elements behind the second edition of the Plastic Technologies Award, the International Competition launched by Promaplast, organizer of Plast 2015 (5th-9th May) in partnership with

The competition focuses on the disposal and recycling of products, components and packaging characterised by rapid obsolescence and a connotation of temporary use, or even single-use disposables.
The competition is open to designers and creative professionals, Italians and foreigners (individuals or groups), professionals or non-professionals, corporate employees and students.

How to apply? Each designer must enter the competition by November 3, 2014, choose a technology category in which to compete. The projects must be submitted by November 27, 2014 to the email address as specified in the regulations.

Closing date for entries: November 3, 2014
Project delivery deadline: November 27, 2014
Total prize money: € 8,000


Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu