Design Cabinet CZ

07.07. 2016 - 07.07. 2016

Talente 2017


Call for applications

Young artist working in the applied arts and technology will have the opportunity to show their work in the international competition Talente 2017 in Munich, Germany, during the International Trade Fair for the Skilled Trades from 8th to 14th March 2017.


In an area of 600 m², the works will be shown to a wide audience, with an international jury selecting the winners of the Talente prize. An illustrated catalogue will be published.


The aim of Talente is to promote young people with a particular manual talent and to show an interested audience the enormous potential which lies in the new generation in crafts and trades. The works will be the outcome of formal or technical considerations and experiments, showing something new and exceptional.


Participants are chosen from any section of crafts and technology. They will have made the artefact by their own hands. Age limit is set at 33 in the domains of crafts, and at 35 in the domain of technology. Deadline for all applications will be the 1st October 2016.


The competition is publicly funded. This covers the space on the fair itself, the catalogue entry and part of the transport of the objects to and from Munich.


The application is possible from now on under the address:

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Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu