Design Cabinet CZ

20.04. 2015 - 20.04. 2015

The ceramiclamp


International Ceramics Competition Carouge 2015

Aim of the competition

1. The town of Carouge (Geneva) organizes a biennial ceramics competition open to all artists over 16 years of age. The Prix de la Ville de Carouge is an award of 10'000 Swiss Francs (approx. 7000 €) to be granted for 2015. Other awards include the Foundation Bruckner Prize, for the promotion of ceramic art, of 2000 Swiss Francs (approx. 1400 €) and a prize awarded by Swissceramics (the Swiss Ceramics Association), of 1000 Francs (approx. 700 €). In 2015 the object judged will be a ceramic lamp, i.e. an electrically powered lighting appara¬tus.
2. Each competitor may submit one sole entry, composed of one object only, of his or her creation. The work must be recent and original. Clay must be the main material used. The item submitted may be incised, stamped, enamelled, engraved, printed or painted. In order to ensure the jury's impartiality, the object should bear no visible signature or distinctive mark.
The maximum dimension (length, width or height) is 50 cm.
The choice of a type of lamp (ceiling light, wall light, standard lamp, table or bedside light, night light etc.) is left to the candidates. For practical reasons, only electrically powered lamps (220V) compatible with Swiss safety norms, equipped with one or more low consumption LED bulbs, will be exhibited while lit.
3. Collaboration between several creators (ceramists and/or designers) is al¬lowed. This must, however, be clearly indicated on the entry form which will contain the names of all those involved in the realisation of the entry.

How to register

4. Competition participants must complete and sign the attached entry form (or a photocopy of this) fully and legibly, and enclose: a brief biography of one ty¬pewritten page, in French, English, German or Italian indicating their training and background and main exhibitions, two good quality digital photographs in colour (300 dpi, format .jpg) on CD, showing the work submitted from two different an¬gles, displayed against a neutral background.
The completed file must be sent to the following address by 20th April 2015 (date as confirmed by postmark):
Musée de Carouge
Concours de céramique
Case postale 1576
CH - 1227 Carouge
Entries which are incomplete or arrive after the deadline will not be taken into ac¬count. Files sent electronically are not accepted. Files submitted for admission will not be returned. The first round of selection is based on the files received. Any candidate who submits an actual piece of work at this stage will automati¬cally be excluded from the competition and the object returned at his or her own expense.


5. A selection jury, nominated by the Administrative Council of the Town of Ca¬rouge, judges the files submitted. Evaluation criteria are based on the aesthetic qualities (form and decoration), the originality and the quality of the technical realization of the object. Any piece of work which does not correspond to these criteria or to those mentioned in articles 2 and 4 will be removed from the com¬petition.
At the end of the first round, candidates will be informed in writing of the jury's decision (end of June 2015).
The same jury awards the Prix de la Ville de Carouge and the other prizes at its disposal after examination of the selected works received. The jury's decisions are final and require no justification. The jury is under no obligation to grant one or the other of the awards.


6. Only the works of selected candidates will be exhibited at the Musée de Ca¬rouge (Switzerland) between 19th September and 29th November 2015. The presentation of the exhibition falls within the competence of the organising com¬mittee alone. Prize-winners will be announced on Saturday, 19th September 2015, when the exhibition is inaugurated.

Conditions for participation

7. The Town of Carouge undertakes provision of the following:
- costs involved in the exhibition and its promotion
- insurance of exhibited works on the basis of the value indicated by the artist
- customs formalities in Switzerland
- the cost of returning the works (except for transport insurance)
- production of the illustrated exhibition catalogue.6.
The following provisions are charged to the artists invited to participate:
- packing and transport of works to Carouge
- insurance of the works during outgoing and return transport
- costs related to customs formalities in their home country.
- Non-Swiss candidates who choose to deliver their works to the museum them¬selves undertake to fulfil all required customs formalities (temporary importation: no work will be accepted unless accompanied by the temporary importation form).

The town of Carouge can in no way be held responsible for objects which may be damaged or destroyed during transport. Should an object arrive damaged, the Musée de Carouge will undertake to repair it to the best of its ability so that it may be exhibited.

8. All participants undertake:
- to provide high quality colour photographs on CD (300 dpi files in .jpg format); photographs of the selected works will be reproduced in the catalogue accompa¬nying the exhibition;
- to present a recent and original piece of work, realized by him- or herself or collaboratively;
- to accept that the photographs of his or her work are freely available for reproduction in the exhibitiopn or for promotion related to the competition;
- if selected, to send the piece for which photographs were submitted within the deadline indicated.
9. The award-winning work will by right become the property of the Musée de Carouge's collections.

10. By submitting their files, competitors tacitly accept the terms of these regu¬lations. In the case of litigation, the only judicial instance is the Tribunal de Pre¬mière Instance in the Canton of Geneva.

20th April 2015:
deadline for despatch of candidates' completed files
Mid-June 2015:
first round of judging: selection of files
End of June 2015:
Results communicated to candidates (priority given to those who have been successful)
31st July 2015:
Deadline for the arrival of works selected
18th September 2015:
Jury: prizes awarded
19th September 2015:
Results announced and exhibition inaugurated

More informations and entry form on:

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Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu