Design Cabinet CZ

13.04. 2010 - 13.04. 2010

Umění, věda a filosofie

Workshopy a semináře

pohledem třicátníků David Crowley Double Agents: Reflections on Architecture, Film and Design in the Cold War

Cyklus večerních přednášek na Vysoké škole uměleckoprůmyslové v Praze
Hlavní část programu naplňují čtyři přednášky mladých českých vědců a filosofů, kteří mají blízko k uměleckým oborům. Jako bonus přidáváme přednášku slavného historika umění Davida Crowleyho.Přednášky připravil Cyril Říha a uvede je společně s Karlem Císařem z katedry KDUE VŠUP.

Whilst it is clear that Moscow and Washington went to great lengths to divide the world in the 1950s and 1960s: it is equally clear that its two halves increasingly came to look like each other. Moscow's Kalinin Prospect resembled Park Avenue in New York, whilst the first plastic car produced by Chevrolet was somehow the prototype of the Trabant, the P70. How can this apparent convergence be explained? Was it simply a matter of mimicry and technology transfer or can we look to deeper existential anxieties shaping the Cold War double? In this talk David Crowley, curator of 'Cold War Modern: Design 1945-70' at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London (2008-09), will put the utopian architecture, glossy products and movies of the Cold War years under analysis.
David Crowley is a historian with an interest in Eastern Europe who teaches at the Royal College of Art in London. He is the author of various books including Warsaw (Reaktion, 2003) and two volumes co-edited with Susan Reid, Style and Socialism (Berg 2000) and Socialist Spaces (Berg, 2003). A third volume co-edited with Susan Reid, entitled Pleasures in Socialism. Leisure and Luxury in Eastern Bloc will appear with Northwestern University Press in 2010. He was consultant curator of „Cold War Modern: Design 1945-1970‰ which was exhibited at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London in 2008 (and co-author of the accompanying book) before travelling to Italy and Lithuania. He is currently writing a book on the intertwined histories of photography and communism. (přednáška v anglickém jazyce)

Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze,
nám. Jana Palacha 80, Praha 1, 1. patro, místnost č. 115, vždy v úterý v 18:30
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