Design Cabinet CZ

28.10. 2009 - 09.12. 2009

Vítězové soutěže EESC Design ZeroNine známi!


Be(e) diverse ! - Irish "Bee house" awarded with 1st prize of

The "Bee house" project, designed by James Ennis from Ireland, has been selected as the winner of the first "European Award for a Sustainable Present" competition by an international design panel on 28 September 2009. Selected out of more than 100 contributions, the exhibition, presentation of the winners, and a display of the 30 best projects will take place at the EESC on 9 December 2009 in the framework of the European Year of Creativity and Innovation. This project organised by the EESC is the first "green public procurement" project of a European institution.
In its statement, the selection panel applauded the Bee House's "concern for biodiversity, encompassing plant, animal and human life in a message that emphasises simple and essential ecological values in modern life".

Winning projects
"United in diversity, living with bio diversity", was the conceptual idea behind the winning "bee house" design project. Consisting of a window box containing flowers, it is in fact a micro habitation for bees, raising awareness for the vital role of bees in food production and life in general. The project was awarded with the first prize of EUR 10 000. James Ennis was born in Dublin in 1976; he now works in Milano, Italy.
The second prize of EUR 4000 was awarded to the "Dynamic" design project of Mauro Amoruso from Torino, Italy. A well designed and user-friendly application of an existing technology, the device transforms human stress into green energy and can be used to recharge mobile phones.
The third prize of EUR 2 000 was awarded to the "USELESS" project by Dominika Rams from Poland, a thought provoking "use-less" object bringing the issue of consuming less energy and water straight to the point.
An exhibition displaying the 30 most significant projects, including the winning designs, will be opened at the EESC in Brussels on 9 December 2009.
This is the very first "green public procurement" project by a European institution involving the world of design. The winning Bee house will be produced in Europe and used by the EESC as a promotional gift and communication tool aimed at supporting sustainable production and consumption.

Background information - EESC Design ZeroNine Award.
2009 was declared the European Year of Creativity and Innovation, and for this reason the EESC launched a design competition in March this year, in cooperation with Giovanna Massoni (design consultant) and Olivier Gilson ("Designed in Brussels").
Professional designers and design students in the EU were asked to submit fresh ideas for an innovative and sustainable design product, including packaging, focusing on energy and climate change and encouraging sustainable environmental protection. More than 100 exciting projects were submitted by mainly young designers coming from 24 out of the 27 EU Member States.

The selection panel
An initial screening was carried out with the expert advice of the Belgian industrial designer Jean Francois D'Or. Chaired by EESC Vice-President Irini Pari, the selection panel included: Josyane Franc, St. Etienne ESADSE and Cité du design International Relations; Virginio Briatore, design philosopher, writer and international design talent scout, editor of Interni, DAMn°; Ursula Tischner, assistant professor at Design Academy Eindhoven, and founder of econcept, Agency for Sustainable Design, Cologne; Czeslawa Frejlich, editor-in-chief of 2+3D design quarterly, design curator and professor.


Information on the winners, including pictures and project descriptions, is available at:

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