Design Cabinet CZ

12.02. 2021 - 31.03. 2021

We will design


Universities, new generations and emerging designers are called to come up with new ways of living, through design

Starting from February 1st We will design, the call to action launched by BASE to participate in the Milan Design Week 2021 scheduled for September 5th to 12th: a huge collective call to the new generations and universities in Italy and abroad to come up with new ways of living, through design.

Taking the present as a starting point and fuelled by the desire to envision a new future, BASE is looking ahead to the next Fuorisalone, opting to explore the most pressing issues to arise from this particular moment in history by embracing the concept of anthropological design, from identity building to patterns of social behaviour. This investigation will be conducted through the gaze of universities, academies, less conventional places, emerging designers and brands who are keen to get out there and show their resolutely future-proof projects.

Design is nowadays seen as a lens through which to view our society, a trigger for conversation, and a tool for redesigning relationships and cohabitation for the future.  It is now more important than ever to view design as a tool of cooperation and joint construction which enables us to reconceive society as a collective creative project in which centres of learning have a vital role. Design has, in this sense, moved closer to art, social sciences, sociology and, to an even greater extent, anthropology.

Long-term involvement, joint design and transectoriality are at the heart of BASE’s approach:

  • From a week to a year-long project. In the wake of our experiences over the last few months, BASE has decided to recast Design Week as a longer journey, set to extend beyond Fuorisalone by establishing collaborations and design projects both before and after the week itself. We Will Design will unfold over the course of various occasions throughout the year - bringing in guests and any exhibitors interested - and will culminate during Design Week, one of the greatest moments of creative expression on the international stage, held in the city of Milan;
  • Joint design. Ample room will be given over to the display and development of a series of site-specific four-handed projects, developed together with BASE and the other entities involved through residencies, workshops, and a public program to delve into the issues explored;
  • Transectorial. BASE will involve design universities as well as academies and a range of cross-disciplinary learning experiences so as to offer a more complex vision that blends architecture, urban design, social design, relational design, public design as well as graphic design and the art world. Transectoriality will serve to further reinforce the concept of a long-term project, envisioning additional landing places within BASE’s wide-ranging programme

Who it´s for

  • Universities, Academies, Higher Education Centres, less conventional places  - from design to digital art, architecture, and graphic design, right through to sociology and anthropology - that address the inevitable phase of worldwide re-examination currently underway.
  • Emerging designers and brands who are keen to get out there and show their resolutely future-proof projects.


How to apply


The call will remain open from 6.30pm on 1 February until 12 Midnight on 31 March 2021. After a careful process of assessment and selection, BASE will provide applicants with feedback by 12 April 2021. The selection process will be carried out by a dedicated team within the BASE staff. BASE reserves the right to launch further, more specific calls in accordance with unfolding events throughout the year and the Covid19 situation.


Download the call here: 
> Universities, Academies, Education projects

> Emerging brands and designers


Deadline 31 march 2021

BASE Milano 
BASE Milano is a project for cultural cross-pollination between the arts, enterprises, technology and social innovation. Established in 2016 in the ex-Ansaldo former industrial complex, the project is manifested today in a 12,000m2 space dedicated to exhibitions, performances, workshops and conferences, with a large study lounge and artists’ residence. BASE is a Learning Machine, a huge organism for learning and a workshop for lifelong education dedicated to the city, the neighbourhood, and creative professionals. At the same time, BASE is a machine that learns, establishing a dialogue between different creative communities, thus enabling them to absorb, share, and transform each other’s contents and influences in different fields, including writing, illustration, music, art, design and much more. 


Further informations on ; www.base.milano. it

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Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu