Design Cabinet CZ

29.05. 2013

A Brief Guide to the Registration of the Work


We have prepared for you a brief guide how to register your work to Czech National Award for Student Design 2013!

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What Kinds of Works Can Be Submitted?

Any student works on design and visual culture created after January 1, 2011 and which had not been enrolled in any of the foregoing years of the National Award for Student Design can be submitted to the National Award for Student Design 2013. Both Czech and foreign student works are acceptable.

What Do You Need?

You must prepare these materials before registration your work (no info that could identify the author must be introduced; there are two exceptions: names of image attachments and the name of the file with poster!):

  • electronic form of the presentation panel (poster); JPG, 150—300 ppi, format B1 (i.e. 100 × 70 cm, portrait mode), max. size of the file 30 MB, format of the file name (characters allowed: only A—Z, a—z, 0—9, - and _, no diacritic and spaces!):
  • maximum 5 image attachments; JPG, length of the longer side min. 1500 and max. 3000 px; format of the file name (characters allowed: only A—Z, a—z, 0—9, - and _, no diacritic and spaces!):
  • name of the work and subtitle (Czech + English) and a brief annotation (300—1500 characters) in Czech and English;
  • if the work is physical, provide info about dimensions (brutto + netto), weight (brutto + netto) and about used materials;
  • if you are submitting your work with approval of school, check up whether (and in what way) the school will participate on paying the registration fee.

How to Submit Your Work?

Connect to the competition’s web pages on before June 25, 2013 and fill-in all necessary items. If you need next info, please contact us via e-mail ( or by phone +420 775 314 420 (Mr. Jiří Toman).

What to Do Next?

You will be informed by e-mail about next steps (paying registration fee, assigning registration number, alternatively about advancing to the national round and delivering your works and printed posters).

Important Deadlines and Dates

  • June 25, 2013: closing of the registration form (up to this date it is possible to edit both applications and attachments);
  • September 6, 2013: supposed date of collecting the works and printed posters, that were nominated to the national round;
  • November 11, 2013: supposed date of the ceremonial announcement of the National Award for Student Design 2013.

Připojené obrázky

Naši partneři:

  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu