Design Cabinet CZ

27.10. 2010 - 31.10. 2010

Grassimesse Leipzig 2010


The GRASSIMESSE is an international forum and a trade fair for applied art and product design from all fields. It stands in the tradition of the historical GRASSIMESSE, founded in 1920 and famous as “Meeting Place of Modernity”. Since being reestablished in 1997, it has been held once each year on the last weekend of October. The organizer is the GRASSI Museum for Applied Art Leipzig. The GRASSIMESSE Forum and sales exhibition in equal measure, reflects the world of ideas and the variety of contemporary creative design, promotes developments and sharpens the awareness for design quality.

Terms of participation


The tender is international. Selection for participation in the GRASSIMESSE takes place by a jury of experts. Individual persons and groups (with max. 6 persons) can apply for it. In the event of group applications, the jury will decide on the individual, submitted works. Application takes place using the enclosed registration form and the submitted image material. It requires one photograph each of five pieces of work and one detail-screen, intended for exhibition at the fair. The work must not be older than two years and must be freely available for sale. Only digital image data will be accepted. The photographs must be provided on a CD as TIF or JPG files in RGB mode with a size of 200 × 300 mm, 400 dpi and max. 20 MB. The key visual should fill out the format, be fully visible and photographed in front of a bright, homogeneous background. Please find more information about image quality here: The photographed work must be listed on the enclosed form with details of the time of creation, materials and techniques. After confirmation of participation, the application documents and the image material can be used by the organizer for advertising purposes in advance of the fair. Accordingly, the text and image rights must not be subject to rights held by third parties. Image material is transferred for documentation purposes to the property of the GRASSI Museum for Applied Art unless specifically stated otherwise in the application forms.


The exhibitor will carry the cost for transport, delivery and removal of the objects, for accommodation, catering and insurance. After receiving the confirmation of participation, the exhibitor is obligated to pay a participation fee of 300 € and groups 500 € (all stands have the same size). The fee includes a flat rate for the stand surface, a share in the advertising costs and a contribution to the catalogue costs. The terms of participation are recognised with the written confirmation of participation; withdrawal is no longer possible.

Stand design

Within the framework of the GRASSIMESSE, the organizer offers the exhibitor the following services: an exhibition space (6 – 8 sqm) allocated by the organizer, a binding labelling for all stands an a basic supply of electricity, light and a seating option. Show cases, pedestals and other presentation elements, depending on their availability. Attachments of objects of all kinds to the ceiling, walls and partition walls must be discussed with the organizer. The organizer places importance on a uniform, aesthetic overall appearance for the GRASSIMESSE. The participants or representatives of the forms or groups must be personally present at their stand.


A catalogue of the GRASSIMESSE, will be released, it will feature one example of every exhibitor. All exhibitors will receive one reference copy of the catalogue and 100 GRASSIMESSE advertising postcards for their free disposal.


The organizer holds house rights within the GRASSI Museum for Applied Art as part of the event; the visiting rules will apply. The perpetrating party will be liable for damage to the building, the fixed inventory and the presentation elements made available. The exhibitor is responsible for the security of the stand. The organizer accept no liability for the fair exhibits, and the museum will also accept no liability for simple and gross negligence on the part of the exhibitors or their employees with regard to material or personal damage. An alarm system monitors the exhibition space out of the opening hours.

Selection for participation/award of prizes


The museum will convene a jury of experts, chaired by the Director of the GRASSI Museum for Applied Art. The jury decides on the selection of the exhibitors and will award the prizes on the occasion of the GRASSIMESSE. The jury works on an honorary basis and has a quorum even if its numbers are not full on short notice. The jury convenes at the GRASSI Museum for Applied Art.


  • Grassi award of the Carl and Anneliese Goerdeler-Foundation: 2,500 €
  • Grassi award of Sparkasse Leipzig: 2,000 €
  • Grassi award of TOTAL Germany: 2,000 €
  • Grassi award of Slavik Gallery, Vienna: 2,000 €
  • The jury selects the prize winners from among the exhibitors at the GRASSIMESSE on Thursday morning. Prizes will only be awarded to saleable objects or object groups, that are not older than two years and are owned by the artist or the manufacturing firm. At the trade fair the exhibitors can offer for sale goods which are older by two years.


    The closing date for applications is the 9th April 2010. (Date of the postage stamp is valid)
    The jury’s decision on participation or non participation will be announced by the end of the month June.


  • 27th October 2010 | from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Assembly the fair stands
  • 28th October 2010 | 6.30 p.m. Awards ceremony and fair operation to 9.30 p.m.
  • 29th October 2010 | 10 a.m.– 7 p.m. Fair operation
  • 30th October 2010 | 10 a.m.– 7 p.m. Fair operation
  • 31th October 2010 | 10 a.m.– 6 p.m. Fair operation
  • Exhibition venue

    GRASSI Museum for Applied Art
    Johannisplatz 5–11 | 04103 Leipzig | Germany
    Phone +49 341 2229 100 | Fax +49 341 2229 200 |


    Sabine Epple (Project Manager GRASSIMESSE)
    Phone: +49 341 2229 106 |
    This informations and application are available also at

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    Naši partneři:

    • Slovenské centrum dizajnu