Design Cabinet CZ

15.01. 2014 - 15.01. 2014

The Good design™ Award 2013 pro židli Ester


Pedrali wins the Good Design™ Award 2013 in the Furniture category with Ester armchair designed by Patrick Jouin.

The Good Design™ Award is the prestigious reward promoted by the Museum of
Architecture and Design Chicago Athenaeum in cooperation with the European Centre for
Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies every year since 1950. The award is dedicated to
all the different design disciplinary fields: architecture, industrial design, product design,
graphics and urban planning.

After few months from the launch, that took place during 2013 edition of the Salone del
Mobile, the Good Design™ Award is for Ester an important reward from the American

Ester armchair is a mix of elegance, ergonomics and functionality. The attention to details is
everywhere. The seat is made of polyurethane foam with elastic belts on a steel structure.
The result is a precious monolith made of leather or fabric complemented by refined diecasted satinized aluminum, brushed bronze or black nickel legs.

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  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu