Design Cabinet CZ

09.10. 2013 - 09.10. 2013

Workshop Lee Gibsona

Workshopy a semináře

Globální designér firmy Heineken Lee Gibson pořádá ve středu 9.10. 2013 od 15:00 v Openstudiu v Kafkově domě workshop.

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Lee Gibson is an award winning designer currently based in New York City, USA. Originally from New Zealand, Gibson studied architecture but was immediately drawn to the smaller scales of product and interior design.

Gibson has practiced and taught design across a broad range of scalesaround the world, while also earning his MFA in Interior Design from Parsons New School for Design in New York City.

In 2011 Gibson was selected to be a part of the Heineken Open Design Experience, and since then has gone on to design and develop multiple projects for Heineken around the world including the Heineken Lounge at the Milan Design Week in 2013. Gibson is now a juror and mentor for the Heineken Open Design Experience which will see a new space developed for the Milan Design Week in 2014.

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  • Slovenské centrum dizajnu